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National Portfolio Day 国家艺术作品集日11月来多伦多-你准备好了吗?「多伦多作品集日」


国家艺术作品集展览日是特意为视觉艺术家和设计师举行的活动。活动为准备学习艺术的学生搭建平台,让他们有机会和来自各个艺术设计类大学的招生官见面。招生官会评论学生的艺术作品,向学生介绍大学项目,帮助学生规划艺术事业,回答学生问题。 高中学生,学生家长,老师,顾问都可以参加。每年在多伦多举办的作品集日,加学优培都有学生参加这个活动。很多知名院校到场,有我们熟悉的加拿大艺术名校OCAD、Ryerson、Sheridan、Emily Carr等,也会有英美艺术名校包括罗德岛设计学院,Parsons, Pratt, 芝加哥艺术学院,UAL等。



2018年的多伦多作品集日是在York Univeristy约克大学举办的,参展学校有:

Alfred University School of Art and Design

Art Center College of Design

CalArts (California Institute of the Arts)

California College of the Arts

College for Creative Studies

College of Architecture and Design at Lawrence Technological University

Columbus College of Art & Design

Cornish College of the Arts

Emily Carr University of Art + Design

Fashion Institute of Technology

FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising

Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University

Maryland Institute College of Art

Massachusetts College of Art and Design

New Hampshire Institute of Art

New York School of Interior Design

NSCAD University (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design)

OCAD University

Otis College of Art and DesignParsons School of Design

Pratt Institute

Ringling College of Art and Design

Rochester Institute of Technology

San Francisco Art Institute

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

School of Visual Arts

Sheridan College

Syracuse University College of Visual & Performing Arts

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art

University of the Arts London

York University


National Portfolio Day也是非常好的拿Early Offer(预录取)的机会!所以大家要努力准备尽早规划了哦!

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